The application season for the Winter/Spring 2024-2025 season begins on September 1st through September 15th, 2024. – Click Here
If you have any questions or need assistance with the field rental application process please contact the Facilities and Community Service Department, Recreation Division located at 111 W. Lugonia Avenue, Redlands, CA 92374, by phone at 909-798-7572 or by email at
Resolution No. 8210 establishes a field allocation system to maximize use of available City owned sports fields to users. To learn more about the field allocation policy: Click Here!
City of Redlands Field Allocation Municipal Codes:
12.44.282: RESERVATIONS; SPORTS FIELDS FEES: Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the City’s sports field reservation process, and the application, field usage, and associated facilities fees, shall be established by resolution of the City Council. Any person, entity, or organization who violates any provision of any resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall be deemed guilty of either a misdemeanor or infraction, as set forth in chapter 1.20 of this Code. (Ord. 2927 § 2, 2021)
1.20.010: VIOLATIONS; MISDEMEANOR: Unless a different penalty is prescribed for violation of a specific provision of this code, every act prohibited or declared unlawful and every failure to perform an act made mandatory by this code is punishable as a misdemeanor. Every person who causes, aids, abets or conceals a violation of this code is guilty of violating this code. Each person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion thereof during which any violation of any provision of this code is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation and shall be punishable therefor as provided in this section and section 1.20.020 of this chapter. (Ord. 1940 § 1, 1986: prior code § 10301)
1.20.020: GENERAL PENALTIES: Except in cases where a different punishment is specifically prescribed elsewhere in this code, every misdemeanor offense is punishable by imprisonment in the city jail or in the San Bernardino County jail not exceeding six (6) months, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or by both; provided, that where the city attorney determines that such action would be in the interests of justice, the city attorney may specify in the accusatory pleadings that the offense shall be an infraction. Except as otherwise prescribed elsewhere in this code, every offense specifically declared to be an infraction is punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first violation, a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00) for a second violation of the same provision within one year, and a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each additional violation of the same provision within one year. An infraction is not punishable by imprisonment. A person charged with an infraction shall not be entitled to a trial by jury and shall not be entitled to have the public defender or other counsel appointed at public expense to represent him unless he is arrested and not released on his written promise to appear, his own recognizance, or a deposit of bail. (Ord. 1940 § 1, 1986: prior code § 10302)