The City of Redlands Community Gardens is a fulfilling, inexpensive way to grow organic fruits and vegetables and provides a relaxing place to socialize with other residents who enjoy similar activities.
The city operates three community gardens with a total of 85 rentable plots which are managed by the Redlands Recreation Division. Our community gardens are governed by our Conditions of use including a Waiver and Release of Liability agreement. To be eligible for a garden plot you must be a resident of Redlands. Only one plot is allowed per family/household. Plots are non-transferable.
Garden Availability:
There are NO VACANCIES at this time, however if you are interested you may request to be put on the waiting list by filling out this form.
How to Apply
- Click on the link below to fill out our webform to be placed on our waiting list
- Once a plot is available to you, review both the conditions of use and sign our waiver and release of liability agreement.
- Schedule a meeting with our garden coordinator at the garden location where you will need to bring your signed waiver, deposit, and annual plot payment. A key will be issued at this time.
Community Garden Locations:
Smiley Gardens |
1210 W. Cypress Ave.
Adjacent to Smiley Elementary School |
24 plots |
$25.00/season (once a year) |
Clement Gardens |
501 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Adjacent to Clement Middle School |
8 plots |
$35.00/season (once a year) |
Lugonia Gardens |
Between Lugonia & Pennsylvania Ave.
East of Texas St. |
53 plots |
$40.00/season (once a year) |
Our rental fees are per season and are not pro-rated. A renewal letter will be sent at the beginning of each season.
All new garden owners who lease a garden plot after July 1, 2021 will be required to pay a $200 deposit prior to leasing a garden plot, in addition to paying the rental fees. The deposit will be returned to the owner after the garden has been fully cleared and the key is returned to the garden coordinator.