Development Services Department


Development Services Web Page

Photo of Brian Desatnik

Brian Desatnik
Development Services Department

  • Building & Safety Division                                         (909) 798 – 7536
  • Planning Division                                                         (909) 798 – 7555 ext. 2
  • Economic Development Division                            (909) 335 – 4755 ext. 1
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)  (909) 335 – 4755 ext. 9

Who to Call by Function

Function Contact


  • Planning Commission
  • Historic & Scenic Preservation Commission
  • Minor Exception Permit Committee

(909) 798-7555 ext. 2 

Banner Permits

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3 

Building Board of Appeals

(909) 798-7536

Building & Safety Division office

(909) 798-7536

Business Assistance

(909) 335-4755, ext. 1

Certificate of Occupancy

(909) 798-7536

Current Planning & Development Review

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

(909) 335-4755 ext. 9

Demolition Permit (Planning permit)

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Demolition Permit (building permit)

(909) 798-7536

Development Standards

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

East Valley Corridor Specific Plan

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Economic Development programs

(909) 335-4755, ext. 1

Final Building Inspections

(909) 798-7536

General Plan

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Historic Resource/Landmark Designation

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Historic & Scenic Preservation Commission

(909) 798-7555 ext. 2

Home Occupation Permit

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Housing Element

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Housing regulations &  Inclusionary Housing

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Inspections, Building

  • Electrical
  • Foundation
  • Mechanical
  • Occupancy
  • Plumbing

(909) 798-7536

Long Range / Advance Planning

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Measure ‘U’ & Growth Management

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Nomination of Historic Structure or Property

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Permits from the Building & Safety Division

  • Electrical
  • Fences
  • Grading
  • Foundation
  • Mechanical
  • Occupancy
  • Swimming Pools
  • Plumbing

(909) 798-7536

Permits from the Planning Division
    Development Permits
    Conditional Use Permits
    Home Occupation Permits
    Special & Temporary Event Permits
    Banner Permits
    Sign Permits

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Property Ownership Information (County Assessor)

(909) 387-8307

Resale Number (State Board of Equalization)

(909) 680-6400

Seismic Safety Plans Examining

(909) 798-7536

Socio-Economic Cost/Benefit Studies

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Specific Plans

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Transit Villages Specific Plan

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3

Zoning information & maps

(909) 798-7551 ext. 3


Brian Desatnik, Development Services Director
Tricia Munoz, Management Analyst – (909) 335-4755, ext. 9
Linda McCasland, Administrative Analyst – (909) 798-7555 ext. 2
Sonya Flint, Administrative Assistant - (909) 798-7555 ext. 2

Planning Division
Phone: (909) 798-7555, ext. 2

Brian Foote, City Planner/Planning Manager
Sean Reilly, Principal Planner
Kevin Beery, Senior Planner
Jazmin Serrato, Assistant Planner

Building & Safety Division
Phone: (909) 798-7536

John Thompson, Chief Building Official
Mark Farrell, Senior Building Inspector
Andy McCune, Building Inspector II
Robert Munoz, Building Inspector I
Liz Salguero, Senior Plans Examiner
Travis Oldham, Plans Examiner
Michael Rhoden, Permit Technician II
Whitney Mesna, Permit Technician I

Economic Development Division
Phone: (909) 335-4755, ext. 1

Ross Wittman, Economic Development Coordinator

Land Use Engineering

Don Young, One Stop Permit Center Manager
Alan Collett, Senior Civil Engineer
Mark Rynkiewicz, Senior Civil Engineer
Caleb Cortez, Assistant Engineer
Aaron Ares, NPDES Inspector II
Tyler Staple, Counter Services Technician
Patty Baltazar, Counter Services Technician