Traffic Signals & Street Lights
Any traffic signal or street light malfunctions, lights out, or other problems may be reported by the following:
Submit using the Redlands311 App
Call 909-798-7698
For emergency reports requiring Police or Fire services after normal working hours: 909-798-7681
If you are reporting information regarding a street light malfunction, please be prepared to give us the following information:
A street light pole number. This number can be found near the top of the pole on the side which faces the street. This number should correspond with the addresses around the street light, and should end with the letter N, E, S, or W.
The exact location of the street light. Such as address that the street light is in front of, and/or exact corner on which the street light is located.
Brief description of the malfunction. Such as light is out, flickering, dim, blocked by tree, etc.
Use this map to determine who is responsible for a street light and their contact information.