Free COVID-19 testing offered at Contemporary Club, Nov. 20-21
The San Bernardino County Department of Public Health and the City of Redlands will provide free COVID-19 testing for two days, from 10 .m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20, and Saturday, Nov. 21, at the Redlands Contemporary Club, 173 S. Eureka St.
No symptoms are necessary for testing. Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins will be accepted.
Testing is important as County Public Health professionals seek to identify asymptomatic carriers, meaning people who have the virus but are not showing any symptoms. This is especially important now that the County is reopening businesses and public facilities. The goal is to avoid large increases in new cases, which could threaten efforts to relax stay-at-home orders mandated by the state. That requires identifying those who are infectious but have not (and likely will never) develop symptoms.
Widespread testing will give the County a better idea of how many people are sick, and help research infection pathways for COVID-19. It also provides a more accurate understanding of what new infections look like and the extent of community spread throughout the County overall.
Finally, for our economy to recover, it is essential for people to feel safe in public. Only then will they be comfortable patronizing stores, restaurants and other recently opened businesses.
The test is quick and painless, and results are available within three to five days.
Visit to make an appointment. For questions about how to register, call (909) 387-3911.